First entry at the 81st Congress of the Italian Zoological Union

There is no place like the 81st Congress of the Italian Zoological Union (UZI) in Trieste, when it comes to biodiversity and the need to give answers to the changes happening in the world of phenotypic plasticity and in vivo research. 

Therefore, from September 20th to September 23rd 2022, zoologists (but not only!) from Italian universities and research centres will be attending the event. The program of the Congress includes 40 presentations whom will be brought to light in front of the whole community taking part in the occasion.

Introducing MAPWORMS to the zoological community

MAPWORMS is still at its germinal stages. However, the 81 Congress of the Italian Zoological Union in Trieste was an appointment impossible to miss. Being represented by Luigi Musco and Joachim Langeneck from CoNISMa, it was time to introduce MAPWORMS to the zoological community. After all, the inspiration of the project comes from –as its name suggests– the Sipinculidae species of worms, part of the marine Annelida family.

Giving some details about the Congress UZI, Musco and Langeneck brought a poster of MAPWORMS, including a symposium focusing on novel model organisms and explaining how marine Annelids can be used as models for innovative robots.

81st Congress of the Italian Zoological Union, a place to grow

You don’t take part to an event just for fun. Everytime you get in the game, you have to play and to play means being ready for confrontation, where confrontation leads to growth. Congress UZI is thought to give zoologists, researchers and scientists the opportunity to get in touch and to exchange their point of view.

It’s how the spark makes fire and the fire becomes the starting line for success.

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