We’re thrilled to share the success of the recent workshop on “Fluid Driven Soft Actuators: Challenges and Opportunities” held at the Robosoft conference. A huge thank you to all the experts who graciously shared their insights and research during the event. Your contributions made it truly remarkable!

As part of the broader initiative under MAPWORMS, we were excited to support flash talks aimed at nurturing the next generation of researchers. Out of the eleven exceptional presentations, we’re delighted to announce the winners of the flash talk competition:

Marco Pontin (University of Sheffield) – Multimodal soft valve for passive resilience of pneumatic soft robots
Brian Do (Yale University) – An All-Soft Variable Impedance Actuator Enabled by Embedded Layer Jamming
Hyeju Yoo (Seoul National University) – Pneumatic Shoe Cushion for Runners

Congratulations to these talented researchers for their outstanding contributions and innovative ideas!

The workshop was not only an opportunity to delve into the complexities of fluid-driven soft actuators but also a platform for fruitful discussions and networking. We extend our sincere gratitude to everyone who attended, engaged, and made this event a success.

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