MAPWORMS Publications
- Mediterranean Marine Science| Apr. 2024 | CoNISMa
Langeneck, J., Putignano, M., Dimichele, D., Giangrande, A., Bilan, M., Toso, A., & Musco, L. (2024). Non-indigenous polychaetes along the Salento Peninsula: new records and first molecular data. Mediterranean Marine Science, 25, 184-203
- Journal of the American Chemical Society JACS| Mar. 2024 | HUJI
Baretta, R., Davidson-Rozenfeld, G., Gutkin, V., Frasconi, M., & Willner, I. (2024). Chemical and Photochemical-Driven Dissipative Fe3+/Fe2+-Ion Cross-Linked Carboxymethyl Cellulose Gels Operating Under Aerobic Conditions: Applications for Transient Controlled Release and Mechanical Actuation. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146(14), 9957-9966
- Advanced Functional Materials| Oct. 2023 | HUJI
Davidson‐Rozenfeld, G., Chen, X., Qin, Y., Ouyang, Y., Sohn, Y. S., Li, Z., … & Willner, I. (2024). Stiffness-Switchable, Biocatalytic pH-Responsive DNA-Functionalized Polyacrylamide Cryogels and their Mechanical Applications. Advanced Functional Materials, 34(4), 2306586
- ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces | Jul. 2023 | HUJI
Fadeev, M., Davidson-Rozenfeld, G., Li, Z., & Willner, I. (2023). Stimuli-Responsive DNA-Based Hydrogels on Surfaces for Switchable Bioelectrocatalysis and Controlled Release of Loads. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
- Soft Robotics Journal | Nov. 2022 | SSSA, CoNISMa
Filogna, S., Paternò, L., Vecchi, F., Musco, L., Iacovacci, V., & Menciassi, A. (2022). A Bioinspired Fluid-Filled Soft Linear Actuator. Soft Robotics
Conference Presentation and Posters
- 57th European Marine Biology Symposium | Oral Presentation | Sep. 2024 | CoNISMa
J. Langeneck, L. Paternò, K. Keklikoglou, E. Vernadou, R. Rinaldi, M. Cascione, J. Quaglierini, A. De Simone, A. Menciassi, L. Musco (2024). Biological and functional diversity of marine annelids as inspiration for innovative soft robots. 57th European Marine Biology Symposium, Naples, Italy, 16-20 September 2024.
- 84th Congress of the Italian Zoological Union (UZI) | Oral Presentation | Sep. 2024 | CoNISMa
L. Musco, J. Langeneck, D. Dimichele, A. Martines, M. Cascione, R. Rinaldi, K. Keklikoglou, L. Paternò, A. De Simone, A. Menciassi (2024). The sipunculan Phascolosoma stephensoni (Annelida: Phascolosomatidae) as a new model for bioinspired robots. 84th Congress of the Italian Zoological Union (UZI), Pisa, Italy, 11-14 September 2024
- HydroMediT 2024 | Presentation | May-Jun. 2024 | HCMR
D. Mavraki and K. Keklikoglou. Applying Fair principles to micro-CT data, the case of MAPWORMS project, 5th International Congress on Applied Ichthyology, Oceanography, and Aquatic Environment, Mytilene, 2024
- 82nd Congress of the Italian Zoological Union (UZI) | Poster | Sep. 2023 | CoNISMa
J. Langeneck, M. Putignano, A. Toso, D. Dimichele, G. Furfaro, M. Bilan and L. Musco. Towards a new standard for marine annelid checklists: the Salento Peninsula as a case study, 82nd Congress of the Italian Zoological Union (UZI), Palermo, 2023
- 2nd Italian Congress on Marine Evolution, Evolmar, online conference | Nov. 2023 | CoNISMa
J. Langeneck, D. Loprete, A. Martínez, L. Musco, M. Putignano, A. Toso, S. Verni, M.C. Gambi, A. Castelli (2023). Simple, yet so complicated: integrative taxonomy reveals Polyophthalmus pictus (Annelida: Opheliidae) as a species complex in European waters, 2nd Italian Congress on Marine Evolution, Evolmar, online conference, 14-17 Novembre 2023
- 2nd Italian Congress on Marine Evolution, Evolmar, online conference | Nov. 2023 | CoNISMa
M. Putignano, A. Toso, J. Langeneck, A. Giangrande (2023). From 2 to 12 or more: how many Myxicola species are out there?, 2nd Italian Congress on Marine Evolution, Evolmar, online conference, 14-17 Novembre 2023
- 6th IEEE-RAS International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft 2023) | Poster | Apr. 2023 | SSSA
J. Quaglierini, M. Arroyo and A. DeSimone. Mechanics of tubular meshes made of helical fibers and application to modeling McKibben artificial muscles, 2023 IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), Singapore, 2023, pp. 1-6
- SPIE Optics + Photonics 2023 | Presentation | Mar. 2023 | Vexlum
Jussi-Pekka Penttinen, Emmi Kantola, Sanna Ranta, Topi Uusitalo, Arttu Hietalahti, Roope Vuohenkunas, Mircea Guina. Progress of turnkey VECSEL systems for quantum technology, 2023 SPIE LASE, San Francisco, California, United States, 17 March 2023
- International Ocean Data Conference – II | Poster | Mar. 2023 | HCMR
D. Mavraki and K. Keklikoglou. Scientific community needs: FAIR and credible data repositories. The case of MedOBIS Repository and MAPWORMS ProjectScientific community needs: FAIR and credible data repositories. The case of MedOBIS Repository and MAPWORMS Project
- European Robotics Forum (ERF 2023) | Poster | Mar. 2023 | SSSA
Linda Paternò, Ilaria Cedrola, Hasan Dad Ansari Mohammad, Veronica Iacovacci, Selene Tognarelli, Arianna Menciassi. Mimicking Adaptation and Plasticity in WORMS: the MAPWORMS Project
- 81° Congresso Unione Zoologica Italiana | Poster | Sep. 2022 | CoNISMa
Joachim Langeneck, Daniele Arduini, Jacopo Borghese, Matteo Putignano, Andrea Toso, Adriana Giangrande, Luigi Musco. Marine annelids as models for innovative robots, 2022 81° Congresso Unione Zoologica Italiana, Trieste, Italy, 20-23 September 2022
Magazines, Press & Media Coverage
- Cretalive news| May. 2024 | HCMR
Τα σκουλήκια εμπνέουν τους επιστήμονες, γίνονται ρομπότ και το δεξί χέρι ενός χειρούργου!
- La Repubblica| Oct. 2023 | CoNISMa
Vermi robot iniettati nel corpo per operazioni oggi impossibili: nasce il prototipo ispirato a organismi presenti nei mari pugliesi
- Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno| Oct. 2023 | CoNISMa
Vermi robot, nuova frontiera in soccorso alla vita umana
- DigiTech.News| Aug. 2023 | CoNISMa
Mapworms, l’affascinante progetto italiano dei robot vermi
- Lega Nerd | Aug. 2023 | CoNISMa
Mapworms: progetto di ricerca italiano sviluppa robot ispirati a vermi marini
- Kodàmi | Aug. 2023 | CoNISMa
Robot ispirati ai vermi marini: l’idea in un progetto di ricerca italiano
- microCTvlab | May 2023 | HCMR
Bioinspired robots in Lecce: MAPWORMS Plenary meeting
- Class | Feb. 2023 | SSSA
Una nuova generazione di robot si prende cura degli uomini (a new robot generation takes care of humans)
- Cretalive news | Dec. 2022 | HCMR
MAPWORMS: Mimicking Adaptation and Plasticity in worms
- Sant’Anna Magazine | May 2022 | SSSA
The interaction between biology and engineering develops new bio-inspired robotic solutions in the medical field and for marine monitoring. MAPWORMS, coordinated by the BioRobotics Institute, is the new project funded by European Commission
MAPWORMS Public Deliverables

WP1 - Project coordination, dissemination and communication
D1.2 Project management handbook
D1.3 FAIR-compliant Data Management Plan
D1.4 Dissemination, communication and exploitation plan
D1.5 Annual report on key communication events
D1.6 – Technical/Scientific review meeting documents
D1.7 RP2 update of the Data Management Plan
D1.8 Report on key communication events – second reporting period
D1.9 Technical/Scientific 2nd review meeting documents
D1.10 Report on Virtual galleries of the Voucher Specimens Collection
D1.11 RP3 update of the Data Management Plan
D1.12 Reports on key communication event – third reporting period
D1.13 Final report on MAPWORMS workshops
D 1.14 Technical/Scientific 3rd review meeting documents
D1.15 Final project report
D1.16 Updated dissemination, communication and exploitation plan

WP2 - Ecological, taxonomical and morphological studies for selected species of marine Annelida
D2.1 Georeferenced Annelida distribution map along the Apulia coast
D2.2 First set of parameters for modelling
D2.3 Integrated molecular/morphological identification of the species
D2.4 Annelida performance final characterization

WP3 - Annelid shape-morphing modelling
D3.1 Validated morphing algorithm for smart hydrogels based on non-Euclidean plates
D3.2 Validated direct morphing FEM algorithm
D3.3 Validated inverse morphing FEM algorithm

WP4 - Smart stimuli-responsive hydrogels
D4.2 Immobilized stimuli-responsive hydrogels on surfaces
D4.3 Synthesis, characterization of shapememory/self-healing hydrogels
D4.4 Immobilized stimuli-responsive hydrogels on surfaces – UPDATE

WP5 - Morphing robots across scales
D5.1 First working actuation unit
D5.2 First version of actuation units combination
D5.3 Laser system for light stimulation
D5.4 Morphing robot first report
D5.5 Morphing robot final report

WP6 - Robots testing towards application case studies and exploitation activities
D6.2 Report on task primitives definition
D6.3 Final IP report
D6.4 Validation of the shape morphing robot in selected application scenarios
The Virtual microCTvlab

A new virtual session of the virtual microCTvlab
hosting annotated data and 3D models of all scanned specimens. Available for any potential user.

A new virtual session of the virtual microCTvlab
hosting annotated data and 3D models of all scanned specimens. Available for any potential user.

Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (SSSA),
The BioRobotics Institute
V.Le R. Piaggio, 34
56025 Pontedera, Italy
Project Management
Project Coordinator
Arianna Menciassi
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, The BioRobotics Institute
Project Manager
Selene Tognarelli
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, The BioRobotics Institute
Communication Manager
Erika Gulino
Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, The BioRobotics Institute
Project Info
Starting date: May 2022
Duration: 48 months
Funding: ~ 2.9 M€
Coordinator: Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, The BioRobotics Institute
Partners: 6 from 5 EU countries

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement N° 101046846